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Título: Need certificaction in the field of sport
Autores/as: Mayer, John E.
Clasificación UNESCO: 61 Psicología
Fecha de publicación: 2013
Publicación seriada: Revista Iberoamericana de Psicologia del Ejercicio y el Deporte 
Resumen: The need for stronger credentialing in the field of sports is recommended because of the complex issues modern sports face. A brief overview of the development of professional credentials/licensure is provided to set the rationale for the need for accreditation in the field of sports. The research reviewed supports the need for accreditation of both the individual professionals that serve sports and athletes and the schools and institutions as well. This research points to the similar developmental path that other licensed/credentialed professions have followed leading up to their regulation. Accreditation by the International association is offered as an answer to this need for certification.
ISSN: 1886-8576
Fuente: Revista Iberoamericana de Psicologia del Ejercicio y el Deporte [ISSN 1886-8576], v. 8 (2)
Colección:Rev. Iberoam. psicol. ejerc. deporte. 2013. v.8, n.2 
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