LFE, Rev. leng. fines específ. n.17, 2011 
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  • Anne O’Keeffe, Brian Clancy y Svenja Adolphs. Introducing Pragmatics in Use. Por Mª Isabel González Cruz, p. 451
  • Davi-Ellen Chabner. The Language of Medicine.Por Mª Sandra Marrero Morales, p. 463

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 18 of 18
TitleAuthor(s)Issue DateTypePreview
Broadening shared knowledge within the specialized community in the 17th centuryGotti, Maurizio2011Artículo0233536_00017_0006.pdf.jpg
Semantic shift of the colour-terms maroon and magenta in British Standard EnglishWright, Laura2011Artículo0233536_00017_0014.pdf.jpg
"The golden rule of divine philosophy" exemplified in the Coruña Corpus of English Scientific WritingMoskowich-Spiegel Fandiño, Isabel2011Artículo0233536_00017_0008.pdf.jpg
Conceptualizing emotional distress in late Middle English medical textsDíaz Vera, Javier E.2011Artículo0233536_00017_0003.pdf.jpg
Uso de predicados complejos en los escritos de astronomía del siglo 19 en lengua inglesa. Explotación del Corpus Of  English Texts on AstronomyLareo, Inés2011Artículo0233536_00017_0010.pdf.jpg
Notas bibliográficas. LFE, nº 17 (2011)2011Artículo0233536_00017_0018.pdf.jpg
Introducing the Corpus of Historical English Law Reports: Structure and compilation techniquesRodríguez-Puente, Paula2011Artículo0233536_00017_0005.pdf.jpg
AFPCorp: a corpus of advertisements for financial productsAdams, Heather 2011Artículo0233536_00017_0015.pdf.jpg
Colliers, farmers, strikers. The discussion of work-related themes in Late Modern Scottish letters and diariesDossena, Marina2011Artículo0233536_00017_0013.pdf.jpg
Persuasion markers and ideology in eighteenth century philosophy texts (CEPhiT)Crespo García, Begoña2011Artículo0233536_00017_0009.pdf.jpg
Letter-writing manuals and the evolution of requests markers in the eighteenth centuryFaya Cerqueiro, Fátima2011Artículo0233536_00017_0012.pdf.jpg
Medical case reports and scientific thought-stylesTaavitsainen, Irma2011Artículo0233536_00017_0004.pdf.jpg
Análisis lingüístico del inglés publicitario en los anuncios de cosmética femeninaGaripova, Nailya2011Artículo0233536_00017_0016.pdf.jpg
Self-mentioning: Authority, authorship or self-promotion in 17thC prefaces to manuals on obstetrics?Mele Marrero, Margarita 2011Artículo0233536_00017_0007.pdf.jpg
The English language skills in ESP for law courseXhaferi, Brikena; Xhaferi, Gezim2011Artículo0233536_00017_0017.pdf.jpg
Introduction to the special issue "Diachronic English for Specific Purposes"Alonso Almeida, Francisco ; Marrero Morales, Sandra 2011Artículo0233536_00017_0001.pdf.jpg
A diachronic approach to scientific lexicon in English: Evidence from Late Modern EnglishCantos, Pascual; Vázquez, Nila2011Artículo0233536_00017_0011.pdf.jpg
Tracing the origins of ESP in Old English Ælfric's Colloquy and CosmologyRuiz Moneva, María Ángeles2011Artículo0233536_00017_0002.pdf.jpg
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 18 of 18